The type theory study group met for the first time today. We talked about chapters 1 through
3 of TaPL. This covered the history and motivation of type systems, some mathematical
preliminaries, and the first formal language that we’ll be studying. In terms of the math, we
reviewed set theory, relations, and various forms of induction. The first formal language is
a very simple language (“NB”) consiting of booleans and natural numbers. Our next meeting will
be Thursday at 18:30 in SC334 or SC336 depending on how occupied/loud the labs are. For next
time, the assignment is to finish the exercises from chapter 3 and implement an interpreter for
NB (which is the subject of chapter 4). I’ll write a tutorial for how to do this in Rust on Monday.
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Yesterday for this week’s after-meeting slot, I hosted a workshop on how to use
Git. Git is a version control system that was developed by Linus Torvalds in the
mid 00s and has become one of the main version control systems. I went through
creating a simple repository, how to add files to the repo, commiting files, and
how to interact with a remote repository as well. Below is a table of basic
commands that can be used by typing into a terminal git <command>
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Today the first meeting for the Beowulf Cluster took place. We planned out our
goal of creating a computing cluster that would be able to be used by anyone on
campus (including Mathematics and Data Analytics Graduate Students). The group
decided that it would be good to first use a prexisting framework for an initial
cluster and then work on our own system to be able to understand distributed
computing further.
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Welcome to Project updates, a site for hosting updates on work being done inside
COSI. The site is being hosted on Github with Github-Pages and Jekyll, which
allows us to only need to make a commit to the repository to push an update. With
Jekyll, all posts are put in the _posts/ directory after being pulled down onto
a machine. each document is written in markdown and saved with a format of (Example: this article is
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