Welcome to Project updates, a site for hosting updates on work being done inside COSI. The site is being hosted on Github with Github-Pages and Jekyll, which allows us to only need to make a commit to the repository to push an update. With Jekyll, all posts are put in the _posts/ directory after being pulled down onto a machine. each document is written in markdown and saved with a format of yyyy-mm-dd-title.md. (Example: this article is 2015-08-17-intro-to-project-updates.md)
Any main markdown document can be rendered using Jekyll, although a few packages allow specific features such as code snippets and TeX rendering.
It supports syntax highlighting of many relevant languages (C, C++, Java, Python, etc.) as seen below.
Also through a package called KaTeX, you can display TeX expressions as seen below
How to use Project updates
A document on how to write a post can be found on jekyll’s site here. once the document is done, make a commit including your post and push it up to the Github repository under the gh-pages branch.