Last week, we had a meeting on the ideas and foundations for DubsDot, the new VM for hosting many web services and the name of the web development team in COSI. The first project I had was to setup a landing page that has a portal to every single website we maintain. It is now up and can be found at I expect to go through many iterations of this site, but an initial version is complete for now.

Up next, I went through the VMs we want to transfer onto DubsDot. We are planning on using Apache VirtualHosts to have them all be on the same VM with their usual domains, and these services include:

  • Print
  • Fsuvius
  • Talks

This week, we should can transfer at least one of these services and then get to the rest next week if they aren’t done this week.

If you are interested in joining DubsDot, come see me in the labs or contact me at