(This was previously sent to the cslabannounce list, but I am going to be posting it at both places for more reach)


Starting this week, I’ll be sending out a weekly newsletter on things that are going on in COSI. Even though we’re in the middle of summer, there are still projects going on in the labs. Currently I would like to discuss two of them: Mirror and The-Internet.

As of this week, I’m proud to say that Mirror has transferred over 20TB since its launch back in April. We have grown to host 19 distributions as well as 10 other software packages on mirror and we plan on continuing to grow our collection through the rest of the year. We are also beginning to start reaching out to many of these distributions to become official mirrors which will increase our presence even more. To see what is on mirror, visit mirror.clarkson.edu

Over the past few weeks, we have started a new service in the labs that focuses on backing up parts of the Internet Archive as part of the IA.BAK project (we’re listed as newmanre in the top 25 contributors list, which is Bobby Newman’s email who is managing this project). We’ve dubbed the server running this “The-Internet”, which re-purposes the old Mirror server, and we’ve connected it to the storage array that was donated to the labs from OIT to be able offer IA.BAK over 34TB of usable storage after putting the drives in RAID. So far, we have about 7TB backed up from several collections and are still downloading more at this moment.

There are plenty of other projects that are slowly starting and will be discussed in upcoming weeks, but for now, have a good 4th of July weekend.

Talk to everyone next week, Benjamin