Forum Topics

Talks Hotfix Live

Chris - I added a hotfix to Talks to allow adding and removing talks from outside the COSI subnet. Next weeks password will be posted.

Lab access, lab ordering,….

Jeanna - Everything is closed in clarkson nobody is allowed anywhere. Getting the server this semester will have to be put off and we’re not sure if we’ll keep of budget.

Lightning Talk

The Best Kind of Macros

Grm - Spooky preprocesser including a .c file. When compiling for the pdp11 this will cause the compilier to segmentation fualt.

An NP-Complete Story

Jsh - Stopping alloying in modded minecraft is NP complete.

Musings about Zoom

Jeanna - Jeanna talking about Zoom and all of its features. Also Zoom is taking over how we live our lives.

Virtual Conferences/ IEEE VR

Jeanna - IEEE VR is going on right now and it’s free to join. It’s taking place in a vr space “second life” kind of thing. Jeanaa is also working with ACM on doing conference things


Anthony M - There’s an Act going through congress that forces has compainies “earn” their right to not be processcuited along with thier users. To “earn” this right. A branch of the executive branch will have oversight over these requirements.

Project Updates

Game stuff.. still developing Minecraft (ish!) mods.

Jared (if you want) - Grm and Jared are still doing electrical age and they are still looking for help. Recently they also discovered a minecraft like clone written in C#.


After Meeting Slot

Politics & Zoom

Everyone - Talks about the how Zoom and platforms are changing how we live and about the EARN IT act an its effect on privacy in the modern era.