Forum Topics

Feature requests for new talks/ (if you see this, add your ideas to wishlist/)

Reece - Reece is working on talks/ for MP* and is taking requests for improvements.

windows9 update and voting

Chris - Window’s 9 is not finished and needs more photos.


Chris - Moving cosi meetings online and google hangouts and preparing the infastructure for not

Marc Compeau Interview 6pm

Copper & Jsh * Fortan -

Papa John’s Day of Reckoning

Papa John - Chris (me) is the new lab director

Once a month? Once a semester? remote student attendance

Jeanna - Some alumni are interested in being a part of the COSI meetings

Lightning Talk

MP* Midterms

MP* Students - Some stats: 14 students, I’m not take meeting minutes about people’s involvement.


Fortran - Do what the fuck you want public licence


Anthony Mangiacapra - C++ include *

#include “/dev/stdin”

Jsh - C include ?

Project Updates

Projects from the board

The Lab - Everything is being either given up on or has new progress!


Senior Mugshots

Seniors - Seniors get your mugshots, eventually.

After Meeting Slot

Directed Studies Presentation: NLP, Gender Bias, Gender Bias in Human Languages

Esma/Marzieh - If you’re interested in NLP goto that.