Forum Topics

Reminder to lock the doors (again)

Concerned La🅱️ Mem🅱️er - Turn the key to the left and open it without having to unlock it

Grm’s stuff

Grm - Compensive list of things for good things that COSI should have. “Plz buy”, “I don’t have a budget yet”.


Grm - WE NEED More GAFF TAPE. Two forum topics worth of GAFF TAPE!

G A F F T A P E.


oh also Update on Server Room Access Control

Grm - Showing off the door and discussion of the procedure to add new users to the door. The creation of a master key is reasonable.

stack O laptops

Fortran - Why do we have stacks of laptops? So we’ll be removing all of the taptops that don’t work and moving forward trying to give them away followed by E-waste.

cleaning and organizing

Fortran - Some tables are still too messy and should be cleaned.

BeastXY x Cthulhu, updates.

Chris & Fortran - Updates on BeastXY and Cthulu.

A polite request to condense descriptions and forum topics

Meeting Minutes - Less form topics plz

A suggestion for increasing positive publicity of the labs through public-facing events

Cameron - Doing public facing events and using the big screen in the student center. Also consider doing advertising of the lab on the TV screen. Revisting the cork board as well.

breadboards early anyways?

pop1040 - We should get some breadboards from here ^ anyway. Litterally $5 each. 4 big ones APPROVED.

New Server (

Cameron - A link to a new server Jared, Ryan and Cameron has been working on. It would be the last big thing from the budget for the year. We’ll be getting the updated budget from Tyler and reconsider next week.

Something that I encountered a few times…

Cameron - What should the policy going forward on agreeing to terms of services.

Lightning Talk


Jsh - Iterative prisoner thing works! Prison on Jsh’s gitea

Quick Tour of the Door Controller Code

Grm - Safe within the nanosecond door controller. BRUH!

power point on polymorphic and metamorphic malware

Caleb - Things hackers do to try to hide their programs. It all about encrpytion and obsecation at run time and prevent researchers from understanding.

Project Updates


Projects from the board

Everyone - yes and no.

CACI Revers Engineering of Binaries talk on April 8?

Jeanna - CACI is interested in do reverse engineering talks or lessons on April 8th.

The junk table

Cameron - Remove your things from the junk table before it becomes ewaste.

Picard super catch-up marathon Friday

7 of 9 stan - Friday super catch-up this Friday.

After Meeting Slot