Forum Topics

Get new hdmi switch?

Fortran - New hdmi switch needed, Jared needs to find this. Next forum Jared can propose what one he thinks we need.

Lightning Talk

Let’s Get Arrested

Anthony M. - Let’s get arrested github repo, it is intended as protest against Japanese police for arresting a 13 year old for sharing a link on twitter that linked to a non-malicious browser exploit. FORK THE POLICE

Scheduler: How to use

Anthony R. - New update to scheduler, now on Ranthony’s Github. to get:

  1. install R with r-base-core
  2. clone scheduler
  3. sudo Rscript setup.R
  4. download clarkson demand listing and change to csv into scheduler root
  5. ./
  6. go to port 3001
  7. Profit


Grm - to learn how to create your own access point. Grm created an access point on his laptop that just redirects to cosi-u5

Let’s get arrested for real

Ryan - Had to try to physically get into a company to hack into it for work.

Powder Renew (

Cameron - Platform for open wireless on a city wide scale. Using Massive MIMO technology.

Project Updates

US-11, NY-345, Clarkson Ave, etc. Traffic Signal Program In

Grm - Grm got the data for the intersection from the New York State Department of Transportation.


Thomas - Wishlist now looks pretty and can edit and delete wishes. Talk to Thomas if you want to help with it. It’s also on gitea.


lets talk about open house

cooper - This Saturday is open house. Sign up if you want to get a nametag. Be here by 9am.

Anyone wanna do a Scratch-off?

Grm - When2meet will be sent for a scratch off. Also maybe second 7hrl.

Operation Motherhood and Apple Pie

Abby && Hunter - April fools on Monday. Talk to Hunter and Abby about it.

Presidents challenge actors needed

jsh - title self explanatory. On Saturday, after open house.

talk on reinforcement learning talk this Friday!

jsh - 3pm SC 356 on March 29th.

After Meeting Slot