Forum Topics

Caliper batteries 357/303 coin cells

Thomas - looking to buy some batteries to have in the lab for things that need them

Unlocking the ITL Door

G. Bagel - If there is no key-holder in the room and there is a class in the ITL and you need to leave, let the instructor to lock up if no-one shows up before it’s done

Clarkson Ignite/President’s Challenge

Grm et. al. - Would look good for COSI, and could get more money for COSI. Jeanna has an idea and is willing to share it out, in both an entry as well as a good informative device on the dangers of IOT

- placeholder -

jared - inappropriate comments were made, this needs to stop

Temple OS on Mirror Maybe?

Fortran - wants to put Temple OS on Mirror to help archive it, approved


Jeanna - Dean Thorp has agreed to fund one of the AC repairs, more news to come. Josh Fisk offered access to a locked rack in old main with 24/7 access

Fsuvius Cleanup Done

Grm - clean up of accounts has started, tell Grm if you know of any accounts that don’t need to be there

Lightning Talk

M.Anthony - moved to next week

Corner Detection.

Jsh - a talk on finding corners in images and how to take derivatives of pictures

Open Source DnD Races

Cooper - a list of names to call different races in the game dungeons and dragons


Hunter - a conversion from Twinkies to power based on dietary values

Project Updates


Grm - showing off his text based adventure based on COSI

Fuchsia Wednesday!

Hunter - NUC is in and kind of running Fuchsia, woo!


Hunter - created a tokenizer from his markov chain to create new “words”


jared - nothing has happened on it


Open Source Reflections Talk: Saturday @ 3PM in the ITL

Benjamin Lannon (Someone do this for me) - He’s coming back for a visit! He will be around and will give a talk

6502 Workshop

Cameron - all set, time tbd as of right now

cslab board

jared - the corkboard in the hall hasn’t been updated in a while, we’re going to make it better-er, emails to be sent out

UNIV 349 Study Abroad to the Dominican Republic

Jeanna - class to take students to the Dominican Republic, once a week and a trip in the spring

OpenCV Workshop

jsh - who wants to learn this? if interested, contact josh or write your name on the board under the header (see board)

Fuchsia Workshop?

Hunter - what it says on the tin, email to be sent


Grm - doing a workshop Saturday probably at 8PM

After Meeting Slot