Forum Topics
Giraffics Card Purchase?
Hunter wants to get a nitro RX480 to do his VR and graphics research on the beast machines. The card would cost $249; The forum agrees to put it off until the directors check the budget.
Shampoo rugs this weekend?
Kyle wants to shampoo the rugs in the labs, and mike proposes rearanging the setup in the labs. The forum agrees to wait until the second floor is setup again, and we agree to shampooing the floors this on saturday afternoon.
Jared informs the lab that GitLab will have FERPA information on it, and all administrators need to have FERPA access.
Lightning Talk
OpenAI & Reinforcement Learning
Ben shows off a type of AI which uses reinforcement learning, which is particularly useful for games.
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Hunter shows the lab how to put the Ubuntu user space on top of the windows subsystem for linux, to use unix tools on windows without a VM.
Backing up your data
Graham tells of his accidental coping of raspian over his hard drive and having reinstall his OS becuase btrfs was over written. He went on to remind the lab to backup their drives.
Dota 2 Bot Programming
Mike tells the lab about Dota’s bot api.
Every bootstrap page ever!
Jared shows off a website that plays fun at the fact that all bootstrap site looks the same.
Project Updates
Web Dev updates
Ben shows off some of the achievements of the Web Dev project.
Odin Updates
Jared announced that Odin was updated and moved it to hydra.
Robotics Plan For The Semester
Mike annouces that robotics will continue this semester, and that the first meeting will most likely be next saturday at 1pm; Mike also plans to work with manipulators.
COSI Computer image refresh: save you files off of csguest accounts
Ben wants to reimage the lab machines and warns the lab that the accounts will be purged.
How to read a Research Paper: workshop with James!
James will be offering a workshop sometime this semester.
Mike rallies the lab to do reaserch through COSI.
Alexa Workshop
Mike announces that he will run a workshop on how to make alexa skills.
After Meeting Slot
There was no after meeting slot.