Forum Topics
Jared tells people to be respectful of the use of the phone and Mike adds that no one should use that phone for anything other than emergencies.
Remove COSI-Down carpet
Bobby wants to put in a work order to see how much it would cost to remove the carpet. At the absolute maximum it would be around $200.
<$10 for makerbot grease
Kyle wants to buy grease for the 3D printer and the labs approved the idea.
Appropriate activites during univerity office hours
Kyle reminds everyone that doing loud or inappropriate things should not happen durring office hours.
Air compressor liquid seprator (<$50)
Kyle wants to get a liquid separator for the air compressor, however the lab agrees to bring this up again at the end of the year.
Lightning Talk
Advent of Code 2016
Ben shows the lab a website that has a new programing puzzle for every day of advent. Website
Atkins Laws of Spacecraft Design
Kyle shows off a website that has funny but good coments about spacecraft design, but even further, on project management.
C++ Compiler Explorer
Baha shows the lab a web app that will translate C++ to assembly for many CPU types. Link
Stupid Bash Tricks
Graham shows how to do color codes in the terminal. Next he shows how to copy files via sftp/ftp and netcat.
24 days of pull requests
Corey shows off the 24 days of pull requests another advent themed website. 24 days of pull requests
Project Updates
Scheduler now warns you when you have a conflict.
Advent of Code Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Advent of Code has private leaderboards that COSI can use. If interested, The key is on the board in COSI.
Potsdam Library Hour of Code
The Potsdam library is hosting a hour of code event on dec. 10. Talk to Jeanna if you are interested in helping.
MP* Presentations next week
Next meeting will predominantly be the MP* presentations.
No Robotics Until Next Semester
There will be no robotics until next semester.
Programming basic graphics and animations
Thomas is going to be giving a workshop this weekend on processing in Java.
Stupid Duels Decks
Graham shows off the card game stupid duels. He handed index cards out after the meeting to make a new deck for COSI.
Call For Research Projects
Mike tries to get more people interested in research projects in COSI. If you have an idea or want to do research, talk to Mike about it.
Robigalia Workshop
On Sunday at 3:00pm, the people involved with Robigalia will be writing a driver for the serial port for it.
WebDev Next semester
Benjamin will be holding off on webdev until next semester due to the busy end of the semester.
After Meeting Slot
There was no after meeting slot this week.