Forum Topics

COSI Values and Behavior Reminder

Mike reminds COSI to not break things that don’t belong to them, and to request access to things through the forum.

Hard Drives

Baha brings up buying new hard drives for elephant.


Kyle tells how getting recepts for items is not always going to be easy/possible.

Lightning Talk

Available Services

Jared and Milton asked COSI if anyone is interested in taking over services.

Advent of Code, Project Euler, Hackrank, and CodeFights

Mike shows off some recources for programming challenges and other sorts of things like that.


Baha shows off some websites from the 90’s.

CSS Animations

Ben shows how to make animations for websited without using javascript.

Derpy Writer 2.0

Bobby shows COSI a markov chain writer created by a former COSI member.

Hacktoberfest post-mortem

Ben shows the results from Hacktoberfest and some of the projects he worked on.

Project Updates

COSI Webdev

Ben tells COSI that he is planning to show some GitHub things on Sunday.

VRKour transfered.. working again!

Jared shows that VRKour is now working.

COSI Robotics

Mike Tells us that COSI robotics will meet after the open house.


Open House

Mike tells us that the open house will start at 10:45am Saturday and to be here at 10.

After Meeting Slot

Lockheed Martin Talk

Two people from Lockheed Martin presented in the ITL, and tell of what the company does.