Forum Topics
Resetting SSH port for firewalled services
Ben proposes putting everything on port 22.
Buying things from OSI hardware
Kyle proposes, at the end of the year, buying a new switch on the OSI hardware website suggested and getting a fiber connection to OIT for greater redundancy and a small reduction in latency.
##Destroy hat hardware Mike proposes removing the giant foam hats from the lab.
##Amazon AWS Jake tells of how he setup the AWS server.
##HDMI Baha confirms the purchase of a 20ft HDMI cable a connecter, and a 10ft HDMI cable.
Lightning Talk
Destroy lab hardware
Kyle uses the USB killer to fry a brickette, and explains why the device exists.
Kyle tells of his expirience at nanog 68.
##Big Data Harsha explains some of the history of databases and some of there uses.
Ben shows the pages on docs.
Baha explains what causes screen tearing and how some monitors get around this problem.
##3 cool quick repos Mike shows off 3 cool repositories on GitHub, including “Papers we love”, “Curated list of awesome lists” and the Apollo 11 code.
Project Updates
##scheduler Anthony annouces that his scheduler program is updated with next semesters classes.
COSI Webdev meeting Friday
Ben annouces that the webdev meeting will be at 2 pm.
Open House Update
Jeanna tells us that the open house groups are pushed back a half an hour from the last open house.
After Meeting Slot
BDAY :-)
COSI celebrates Abby’s birthday!