Forum Topics

Amazon Backups!

Baha brings up using the extra sorage space on an amazon server for more secure backups.

URGENT Buy lube for makerbot (must be PFTE)

bobby brings up the need for lube for the 3D printer.

Lab equipment to destroy (for USB killer talk)

bobby discusses kyle USB killing decrepid computers.

ACM Programming Contest helper

Ben asks for someone to help administer the ACM contest, and Bobby agrees to do it.

##Management Jared discusses putting management on a physical machine.

##HDMI Baha and Bobby discuss getting a new HDMI cable, as the last one broke.

Lightning Talk

Mt. & Aftermath

Ben shows off some pictures from the Mt. Ampersand (Hike By Reference) hike.

MP* Midterm Pages

Baha presents his MP* page and shows off his contributions for the lab, particularly the backup system. Mike presents his MP* page and mentions his lighning talkes, workshops and lab director duties. Ben presents his MP* page and tells of his duties as lab director, website maintainance and creation, lightning talks and igniteCS. Jared presents his MP* page and shows off his contributions to the lab such as cleaning, helping with igniteCS and all the networking in the server room, plus several servers. Bobby presents his MP* page and it’s written in assembly, which can be run on DOS 2.0 and higher. Bobby shows off his work with mirror, setting up firewalls and being the primary maintainer of COSI’s second floor. Abby presents her MP* page and shows off her tasks in COSI, such as being the Tor-Exit node maintainer, and helping with open house. Thomas presents his MP* page and tells of his contributions to the lab, and the people in it.

Web Components

Ben presents the future of HTML and how you will soon be able to create your own tags.


Bobby shows off how to render GameBoy games from the teminal.


Mike explains the magic of quines and how they can be writen in any Turing complete languige. Quines


Baha explains how HDR works, and how most modern cameras work.

Project Updates

Meeting Minutes fixed

Ben tells of how he fixed Meeting Minutes.

COSI History starting up

Ben tells of how he created the COSI history web page.

COSI Webdev

Ben attempts to get people interested in web development.

##OS stuff Jake explains how Corey and himself are creating an operating system in rust.

##Stat Managment Jared connected the UPS on mirror and two other servers via a 25 foot USB extender and a USB hub.


Ziltoid Firewall Completed for rest of COSI!

Jared and Bobby gave a summary of the firewall rules.

IgniteCS Orientation tomorrow: ITL @ 4:30pm

Mike announced that the IgniteCS orientation is tomorrow.

##Robotics There will be a robotics meeting at 1:00 as usual.

After Meeting Slot

There was no after meeting slot.