Forum Topics

COSI Slack

Ben proposes a Slack channel for COSI, and other COSI projects. Bobby hijacked the forum to show off gitter.

Lightning Talk

Managed VM saving

Graham shows off commands that susspend a VM.


Bobby shows off a computer using a MIPS system from 2002.

Yarn: a new JS package manager

Ben shows a program called Yarn, which caches files.

Hack Upstate Postmortem

Ben gives a synopsis of Hack Upstate, and some of the projects developed at it.

Linux ATE my RAM!

Jared shows off a website which explains how linux uses ram and allocates memory.

Project Updates

Hail hydra

Baha imforms everyone that hydra can now run as intended, because the power converters came in.

Talks update

Ben shows off his system for meeting minutes and other updates on the talks system


Mount Ampersand Trip this Saturday

Ben discusses the logistics of the trip.

Alexa Prize Team

Ben informs everyone about the research oportunity with amazon’s Alexa.

Adirondack Semester/ Dominican Republic Service Learning

Jeanna discusses the opportunities for an adirondack semester and the study abroad opportunities in the spring in the dominican republic.

After Meeting Slot

Bobby is dicussing the firewall for the labs.