People brought a large number of items to debate: VM Host ($3500), Filament ($25 / spool), Label Tape ($100), Ethernet Crimps ($50), HRC Vive ($1200), Monitors ($600-$1200). COSI currently has about $5358 ($1918 after VM Host). We’ve approved Label Tape, Ethernet Crimps, 10 Monitors, The VM Host, and Filament (3 spools?). We also thought about getting some books? We’ll finish off the budget during the summer.
Home Directory Backup
Ben wants to back up home directories. We are debating how we will do so but agree that we will do it.
New VM Host
The lab is fine with Adam’s proposed host.
Lightning Talks
MP* Presentations
Today people presented what they did in the lab. Link Graham
Project Updates / Announcements
PGP Signing
Jared will be having a signing party soonish… Talk with him for more info.
New Mirror
New mirror is up and running. It will be public soonish…
Clean Cubbies by April 30
All goods remaining will be annexed by the lab…
HVAC and Safe
Kyle will be talking to facilities about HVAC and Safe soon.
After Meeting Slot
ITL Chorus Recital
Graham and Fulton performed a great singing computer thingy… Relax with vocal machines!