VM Server Hardware
Adam has looked at a couple options. AMD and Intel. AMD would have 32 cores @ 2.3 ghz. Intel would have 16 cores, 32 threads @ 2.4 ghz. Both will cost about the same (~$3500).
VR Hardware
COSI debated about getting VR hardware or getting new monitors. Will decide next week.
Lightning Talks
Valgrind and Managing C/C++ Memory Allocation
Ben shows us how to use Valgrind to help manage your memory.
Directory of Open Access Journals
Hrcek shows off open source journals!
Android Studio 2
Fulton shows us the newest version of Android Studio!
Blender Game Engine
Graham shows off Blender! …as a game engine -_-
Mac OSX Fun
Adam tells us about system integrity protection… And how it must be disabled to run certain things…
Project Updates / Announcements
Purchase Orders Next Week!
Email fulton with suggestions…
After Meeting Slot
Python with Graham
Graham shows us the way! Featuring snakes and code…