
Meeting Minutes

Fulton will take over meeting minutes next semester.

Mirror Purchase

We’ve placed the order for mirror. Parts should be arriving soon.

Moving Services

Jared wants to change the Distance server to something else (i.e. a VM Host)… Jeanna feels that we should keep using Distance to host Big Blue Button. Ben also agrees. No one else has strong oppinions.

Jared also wants to know how we will reconfigure where exising VMs are located… We will defer to a later meeting.

Brag List

Fulton has started compiling the brag list. Contact him for anything you want added.

Arch Linux Lab Build

Jared wants to use Arch for the lab build. He feels that using Arch will fix the issues with NFS. Bobby agrees with him. Jared plans on creating a test machine. Fulton is okay with it. No one objects.


Jared wants to know where the RAID array should be stored. Bobby wants to place the array on top of the Cisco routers.

Lightning Talks

Vivaldi 1.0

Ben shows us Vivaldi’s 1.0 release! Check it out. It’s a chromium-based browser with the feel of an older version of Opera.

Abot Open Source Digital Assistant

Abot is a new Digital Assistant. It’s designed to be similar to Siri, Cortana, and Google’s thingy. It’s also open source and written in Go. It’s pretty cool. Abot

Nvidia Deep Learning Chip

James shows us some of the stuff Nvidia has been up to. He shows us the chip used for deep learning. It’s quite interesting. It was designed for cars; has 12 cores with 2 GPUs… Ask James for more info!


Hrcek presents Geant4, an open source project used in simulation of particle physics.

Create a pyQT5 GUI for Research

The Chemical Engineering department has an interesting project going on. COSI has been invited to help.


Adam shows us how Vulcan can help us speed up everything! It’s quite fast.

Project Updates / Announcements

Management Bug

Jared made an oops. His code is breaking. Management is breaking. If it is broke, tell him.

David Genito/Lake Placid ISP

Jeanna tells us that David Genito is looking to start up an ISP near Lake Placid. He needs someone to help him set up the inferstructure. Ask Jeanna for more details.

After Meeting Slot

Movie Night

We watched The Imitation Game!