3D Printer Fans
Bobby says that Kyle has noticed the fan on the 3d printer. $20 will get four fans. No one objects.
SAS Cable
Bobby and Adam have looked more into mirror. They feel that we may be able to work with our current hardware with an additional SAS cable. This is the cheapest option. They’ll look into other options should the cable option fail. Forum approves.
rj45 Emergency Ziltoid Switch
Jared wants to get an ethernet switch so that we can easily switch the network if ziltiod dies at any point. Graham seems to be skeptical about this. Jared feels that the cost should be about $10. No one is particuarly against this… We want 1G speed but we are willing
Second Floor Keys
Alan wants to mention that next year we may (not guarenteed) be able to allow undergrads to have access to the second floor lab. This would be a quiet place to work and do research.
Form Topic
Talks 2.0 has forum topics as ‘form topics’.
Deadweek ITL Funweek
Fulton came up with the idea to play midis on the ITL chorus during deadweek. This is a good idea for outreach. Submit song ideas to Fulton.
Rename Rack
We are going to rename the dns of the rack to “” or some such…
Lightning Talks
Ben shows us WFPLSIU, a tool to show you what programming language you should use!
Graham shows us how to websocket.
SNES Code Injection
Fulton shows us how to inject code into SNES games.
Build Conference Summary
Ben shows us Microsoft Build, an anual developer conference. Microsoft seems like they may be going towards AI - fun! Also Windows bash…
Jared shows us speeds of CGIs. C++ and Perl. C++ is much faster…
Jared made a chart showing what OS cosi uses!
Pseudoshell Midi Player?
Play midis in a shell? Who cares, lets look at how Java does executing other programs!
Project Updates / Announcements
Accepted Student’s Day on Saturday
Join us for the day. Also clean the lab…
Malone Python Workshop Volunteers
Also on Saturday. This will be after the accepted students day… Join it!
Cool Old Literature
Jared has literature to read…
M4 Excitement
M4 is back with Prof. Liu.
Talks 2 is live!
See title…
Server Room Map
Jared made a “server map” and added it management!
After Meeting Slot
##Lockheed Martin Talk Thanks to Lockheed Martin for coming to the lab for a talk!