Missing Rack
A rack was supposidly delivered to COSI, but no one recalls it arriving at COSI. The state of the rack is unknown. Fulton wants to avoid any future being delived to the lab; have lab members pick up packages in the future. Fulton also proposed to get signatures or require deliveries only be handled by the directors of Jeanna.
Lightning Talks
MP* Presentations
Tonight, everyone taking MP* is presenting their midterm webpage. Link
Webserver in Sol
Graham shows us how to make a web server in sol!
Jeanna shows us a way to get funded and help fund people.
Dangers of Power Supplies
Kyle shows us why power supplies can be quite dangerous.
Project Updates / Announcements
COSI alum screen saver/mirror background?
Jeanna proposed making the background for mirror/lab machines be a piture of our alumni.
Jared updated the management server again! It’s better than ever!
Let’s Write a Book
Hrcek wants to write a book with the lab.
Job Opening
James has a friend who is looking for an employee. Contact James for more info.
Documentation Help
An alum would like to help us write documentation as practice!