Network Firewalling
We are back to the public web. People are being assaulted. Graham feels that we should restrict certain ports from external access. We feel that we should discuss this at a later time (Saturday @ 6:00pm).
COSI Storage
Adam notes that we are leaving more items in COSI. Alan suggested allowing people to move objects if they are in the way for extended periods of time. Many agree with such. Additionally, a lost and found will be constructed to move things to.
Twitch Plays Turtlebot
Printing in COSI
We used to have a print balance. Ben believes we should have a balance. He wants large prints to go through the directors. Ben also feels that we should have a 100 page limit.
Pi Day Activity
We need to plan for Pi Day. The activity needs to be mathy and computery. It will be for middle schoolers. Graham has “volunteered” to plan for it.
Lightning Talks
Ben shows off MongoDB, a no sql database!
Webascale Technologies
Michael Hrcek shows how /dev/null is webscale.
Space Radar
A program to visualize your system! Make the du command pretty! Download
Electron Programs Excursion
Michael Hrcek shows off Groovy
A Short C Program
Javascript Ransomware
Michael Fulton shows us all a ransomware written in javascript. Ransom32 is unique and quite mean.
MIT CS Paper Generator
Google MIT CS Paper generator. Become a true scholar.
Alan shows off libreDSSP, the only free/open implementation of DSSP. DSSP was an old soviet language. Also, this appears to be the only implementation since the 80s…
Vulkan is a set of drivers/api that let’s you use your graphics cards.
Project Updates / Announcements
CNR Robotics
Nothing very interesting. Just need power supply…
Clarkson Turtlebot Fun!
Bobby has made the turtlebots run on clarkson wifi!
Twitch Plays Turtlebot
Friday (2/19) at 9:00pm, COSI’s first run of Twitch Plays Turtle Bot.
Lockheed Martin Talk next Wednesday
Next week, Lockheed will be giving a talk to us next week!
Epic: Internships and Co-ops
Epic is looking for people!
Career Fair next week
Lots of stuff at the career fair next week! Go and do it!
Python High-School Curriculum
Soon, we’ll be hosting a how to learn code activity for a local school district! Python and graphics are the tools. Let’s go! Help us plan this. Talk with graham!
Hour of Code
Libraries in Potsdam, mecenna, and other local areas. This saturday. Voulunteer by talking to Jeana.
After Meeting Slot
##LaTex with Ben!