Baha wants three PSUs. COSI concurs. Baha will send order.
On hold due to server issues…
New Phoenix
We will be looking to replace the VM machine at the end of the semester. Baha will spec out some prices.
Office Documents on Print
Print will now accept office documents.
Robot Book
Fulton wanted to buy a $50 book on ROS. COSI is fine with that.
USB-3 Hard Drive Bay
Graham will look into getting one. Will revisit in the future.
Want more PLA. COSI agrees but wants to wait until end of semester.
Time Lapse
A time lapse of COSI will be happening soon.
PI && TV
We want to get a PI and TV to track server status. Will defer until later.
Management Server
Want to check status of services. COSI approves.
Lightning Talks
Alan presented a talk on Tox, a new encrypted message system. Tox
Breaking into Localhost
Graham showed COSI how to exploit local machines via grub.
NSS (Python Web Server)
Graham showed COSI a python based web server he made a few years back. NSS
Thinkpads Through the Ages
Ted showed us a few Thinkpad laptops ranging from the early 1990s to last year.
CPR Lightning Talk
Director Fulton presented ROS and ROS facts. ROS
Graham showed COSI how to GPG.
Ben showed COSI compiled Ruby (AKA Crystal). Crystal
Nuke Map
Kyle presented how doomed we are with nukes.
Project Updates / Announcements
Mirror Purchasing Update
We have purchased a UPS for mirror; we will be starting mirror soon.
DubsDot is live! DubsDot
Tux Bot
Tux is also alive! The tuxbot now moves.
Kyle made a 3d-printed car transmission…
After Meeting Slot
##COSI Robotics Intro Director Fulton is showing people how to ROS. This event marks the begining of COSI robotics.