##3D Printer Fillament Graham wanted to get more. We decided that we are good for this semester.
Bobby requested more tape for the 3d printer. Alan requested additional tapes. We decided to get painter’s tape for the printer.
Satar is leaving next semester; we get his robots. Michael F. is meeting with Satar on Friday to transfer the hardware to COSI. Michael will also set up the robots over the break; he will prepare resources on docs as well as a workshop. He requested a workspace for the robots (a wireless machine). We will revisit deciding on a workspace later. We debated where to store the Husky. We will likely keep the Husky in COSI over the break and look into alternate housing (a closet near the lecture halls was popular). We discussed access to the robots and have agreed that access will be more limited than our other resources.
Server Room Lock
Talked a bit about it. Will revisit at end of spring 2016 semester.
We talked a bit about the bylaws and continued into the afterslot.
Lightning Talks
MP* Presentation:
Tonight, COSI presented MP* presentations. These presentations show off what people taking the MP* class (COSI for credit) have done over the semester.
MP* Ben
Ben took 1 credit. He is a director for the lab since November. He has also been doing quite a bit with web services. He also contributes often to lightning talks and maintains the lab build. Ben’s MP* Page
MP* Adam
Adam took 3 credits. He has given a lightning talk at almost every meeting. He runs a few services in the server room; has done a fair bit of cleaning. Adam’s MP* Page
MP* Michael F:
Michael took 1 credit. He is a director for the lab since october. He is working on getting COSI robots. He has frequently given lightning talks. Michael’s MP* Page
MP* Graham:
Graham took 0 credits / 3 credits. He runs a huge nmber of services… He also works on a large number of projects… Graham’s MP* Page
MP* Corey
Corey took 3 credits. He was a directior (now retired). He maintains our firewall. He also runs a couple projects.
Use Internal COSI Resources With SSH
Graham taught people how to tunnel into COSI to use internal services.
Horrid Sol
Michael H. showed how to do bad things with Sol using the !!! operator.
Project Updates / Announcements
Professor Looking for Student Programmers
Contact Professor Liu for more information.
Banerjee Talk at Potsdam
Professor Banerjee will be giving another talk at SUNY Potsdam on Friday at 3:00pm. She will be giving a talk on Dig Data.
COSI Robotics
Next semester, Michael F. will be starting a robotics project! Contact him for more information.
Farewell, Rust!
Rust will be going on coop next semester and over the summer. Good luck catching a kangaroo!
After Meeting Slot
We continued the discussion about the bylaws. A new revision will be published soon!