

We are around $3,400 for the fundraiser, which is getting very close to our goal. Josh Fiske is going to be donating some hardware for our new mirror as well.

Flask Applications

the labs decided to plan to move all of our Flask applications (talks, print, etc). onto a single VM.

Printer Ink

We need to get more ink for the printer. Baha is going to look into it in the next few days.

Bylaws Discussion

We discussed the workings of a more formal structure in COSI. A working draft was sent to the list and we’ll discuss it in upcoming weeks on what we want to do.

Lightning Talks


Killian Coddington talked about Haskell, a Functional programming language.


Mike H. talked about Sage, an open-source mathematics software system that is an alternative to things like Mathematica or Matlab.


Pad talked about the Go programming language

Tor Exit Node

Alan and Pad talked about our new Tor Exit node.

Sass & Susy

Benjamin talked about two CSS tools: Sass and Susy

Lets Encrypt

Jared talked about Let’s Encrypt, a service to get free SSL certificates.

Java Tricks

James talked about some interesting tricks found in the Java programming Language using generics.

OSS at Microsoft

Baha talked about Visual Studio Code, a code editor that was just made Open Source (MIT) by Microsoft today.

Project Updates / Announcements

Benjamin showed off the new navigation bars on many of our web services.


COSI now has a Sage Server. link

COSI Moodle

We now have a moodle server too. link

New Switches

Two of the 4 new switches are now setup. Since they are managed, we have a lot more control and access to view individual ports.


Ziltoid is now our default Gateway and will be the only router and soon firewall in the near future.

Public Library

The Potsdam Public Library is looking for people to help teach simple computer skills. It is available for work study and has very flexible schedules. send an email to if interested.

Tor Exit Node

If any officials shows up and asks about the Tor exit node, find Jeanna, Pad, or Alan and also say we are legally allowed to host it.

COSI Director

Corey Richardson passed his directorship to Benjamin Lannon.

After Meeting Slot

There was no after meeting slot for this week.