
NCH: North Country Hackathon

Benjamin has been thinking of hosting a hackathon that will benefit the community. He’ll be talking with the

COSI Subdomain

Jeanna has approved of the COSI subdomain to be handled by the labs.

Micrometer update

Sam and Bobby have found a micrometer for COSI. They’ll be talking with Jeanna to get it purchased.

Lightning Talks

Compile-time Tetris

Super-Template-Tetris is a version of tetris that you compile with clang to play. link

Damon Gwinn showed off a cloud based IDE, Koding

Library of Babel

Benjamin Showed off an algorithm that shows permutations of any character. Link


Benjamin created a service to sign up for lightning talks, forum topics, etc. Talks


Graham gave a talk on updates to his programming language, Sol. Repo

FOSS in Latin America

Jeanna gave a short talk about the Free and Open Source Software communities in Latin America

COSI for Credit sites

Baha showed off the mid-semester webpages for MP*. Pages


Mike Hrcek wrote a java program that writes interesting statements. Repo

Project Updates / Announcements


Meeting Friday at 6pm to work on a small cluster

7 Hour Rogue-Like

The 7 Hour Rogue-Like will occur on Halloween with a spooky theme.


Graham is interested in people helping him out with developing Sol. The first meeting will be held 7:00pm Monday.

TAPL Study Group

Meeting Sundays at 12pm.


Mike Fulton is now a COSI director.

After Meeting Slot

Alan is showing “10 Weird and Possibly Useful Things You Didn’t Know about International Networks”: A talk that was given at this previous NANOG.