Forum Topics

We know what you did over break

Josh and Andy - Everyone descibed what they did over break.

Mac Mini Peripherals

Mac Users - Buying a mac keyboard and mac trackboard. ~ $200. We’re making a COSI mac email. There are some concerns about the extra money for the lab, we’re going to start considering what to buy.

COSI soda can disposal location

Reece - Next to the microwave. Please place soda cans in the can.

A reminder from the math people

TJ - The chalk disapeared. Everyone likes to use good chalk and we lost our good chalk. Everybody agrees we’re going to buy some.

New cart?

TJ - TJ wants a new cart. Next meeting TJ is going to bring a cart and a price.

James is coming home

Josh and Andy - Next meeting James is coming to the lab and we’re going to be getting lots of free food :)

Decluttering the lab

All lab - Continue cleaning the second floor. If we want to keep the second floor we should use it. We should consider asking cam’s to move his project because they machines are taking up a lot of space.

Lightning Talk

James Declassified Industry Survival Guide - Part 1

James (Remote) - A series of talks from James (COSI alumnus) about what the industry is like. James has prepared a ton of talks for us, this first one is kind of an introduction. James is going to be taking questions and

Inability to undue visual intake

Reece - Can’t unsee, a fun website that tests your knowledge of design. We did a lot of examples. Try it on your own.

Lighting Talks

TJ & Friends - TJ and Thomas IOTed the light switch in the COSI lab. There are a TON of things that use it.

STL from python

Chris - I wrote a python file to generate STL files.

Siri meets Fuchsia

Hunter Bashaw - Hunter used siri to compile fuchsia.

GPL history

jsh - The story behind how common lisp became under the GPL. Checkout the email chain in the github repo in the title

Pluto: Why You Need [To Fix] It

Grm - Back in the day web hooks were cool pluto was created. Pluto is very unsecure and anyone can create web hooks that run in the shell.

pop1040 - Cloudfare is a ddos protection service that got drugged into a free speach controversy. Checkout the article.

Project Updates


Star Trek: Picard watch party?

Hunter Bashaw - Hunter is hosting a Star Trek view part Friday 8 pm. Patrick Stewart is in this.

Anyone interested in project for Psych dept (work study or course credit)?

Jeanna - A piece of software in the psych dept made by a former lab member that could use an update.

MP* pages

Jeanna - Checkout MP* if you’re taking the class or are thinking about it.

Project Challenge underway

Jeanna - Bloody early Sat morning project challenge will be taking place.


Hunter Bashaw - The HOPE conference is happening soon (july). If anyone would like to attend who hasn’t signed up speak to Hunter, there are some extra tickets. It’s going to be in NYC.

Career Fair

Hunter Bashaw - The career fair is next week, everyone go! Even when you’re a Freshman! Hunter and other upperclassmen are willing to checkout your resume

After Meeting Slot

Super Mario 64 - Watch for Rolling Rocks, 0.5 A presses

Jonathan - What is 0.5 A presses? Come to the ITL and checkout this youtube video.